The Moon Guilds are communities of people who share a key personality trait, and who work together to achieve common goals.
Each guild has built its headquarters on one of Jupiter's four largest moons: Callisto, Europa, Io and Ganymede. The moons have shaped the guilds' identities and given them their names.
Once you have discovered your Moon Guild, you can score house points during special events and tag your Moon Guild when publishing your writing and drawing to the Atlas website.

When you register for Atlas you will be sent a quiz to help you find your Moon Guild.
Remember that your Moon Guild is:
- a place to belong, where you can be you,
- a community of people with common values,
- a launching pad for your discoveries, and a safe place to return.
While your choices in your quiz may lead you to one moon, ultimately your Guild does not choose you; you must choose your Guild.
Explore the Moon Guild you have been led to and decide if it truly represents you.
These resilient problem solvers can get themselves out of any tricky situation – even getting stuck in a moon crater!
The guild for movers, shakers and innovators! Ingenuity and problem solving is required to keep Europa’s guild headquarters suspended above an ocean of liquid water.
This guild attracts thrill-seekers and explorers, because Ganymede is the only moon confirmed to have its own magnetic field.
Ionians bring a positive attitude to every challenge they face – and there are plenty of challenges on Io, as this moon has the highest volcanic activity of any body in the solar system!